Children’s Sunday School
See Sunday School Page
Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group
See United Methodist Youth Page.
Adult Sunday School and Bible Studies
Adult Sunday School starts September 15th from 9 – 10 am in the Susanna Wesley Room. Bob Kelly and Jim Deatherage will be teaching a new book, “The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers” – Spiritual insights from the world’s most beloved neighbor. Join them for fun, fellowship, and serious study!
LIFT – Living in Faith Together Ladies Bible Study
Each Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:00 pm, ladies join in the Youth Chapel to hear a devotion, read and study scripture, share faith stories and pray together. We began meeting September 2023, taking the summer off and are ready to start up again September 11th! Each week is led by either Peg Puryear, Renee’ Wilhelm, Michelle Hare or Cynthia Bement. We bring the devotional word, in our own unique way and the Spirit has been faithful, present and at work in all of us gals in the circle! The group meets in the evening so that those who work can attend, so we respect the start and end time. The study should be something that one could drop into without the fear of missing a week or not having homework done, which is more challenging if you work or have children. Mostly we want this group to be a place where women can come and hear the word of God and wrestle with it. In the past discussions have been heartfelt and passionate as we share with each other how scripture has played or plays out in our lives, and how the Lord is at work in each one of us. Mark your calendar and may Wednesday become your favorite night of the week! We look forward to experiencing Sisters in Christ growing together…and if we are lucky, or good, Gladys might bake us treats! At the end we stand together in a circle, join hands, each lift a name out loud in prayer and recite the Lord’s Prayer in unison to close. We look forward to the startup of LIFT each Wednesday night at 6:00 pm…remembering our 3 B’s…Bible, Beverage and Bifocals (if needed)!