Worship Volunteers
Welcome people as they enter our doors! A friendly smile and a handshake is the only requirement. Contact Cheryl in the church office to sign up.
Read the scripture and assist in worship during both the 9:00 Alternative Service or the 10:30 Traditional Service each Sunday morning. Contact Cheryl in the church office at 582-2163 to help or email her at office@kennewickfirst.com.
Assist people entering the church to worship, care for special needs, take attendance, pass the offering plates, oversee the welfare of the congregation during the services. Contact Jane Hunt at 627-6183 or email her janehunt@frontier.com to assist.
Communion Assistants
Help serve the communion elements on the first Sunday of each month. The bread and juice are prepared by our Communion Coordinator, Koren Burling. Call Koren at 585-9168 or email korenburling@me.com to help serve.
Altar Decor
Decorate the altar periodically throughout the year and utilize your creative talents. Call Phyllis Merrill at 586-3784 to sign up.
Coffee Hour
Get the brew a ‘brewin’ for one of the two coffee hours we have after worship. Call the office at 582-2163 or email Peggy at peggy@kennewickfirst.com to help.